Saturday, June 11, 2011

Marriage in the Fast Lane

So, let me explain that title.

Since I went back to work after having kids, my husband and I decided that we would do whatever we needed to do to make sure that our kids were not in daycare. We just wanted to be home with our kids. We are lucky to both work in industries where that is possible. So we have managed to work hours that allow one of us to almost always be home with our girls. When we aren't able to be home with them they usually go to the grandparents. This year, for the first time ever, we hired a babysitter. She comes every Tuesday and Thursday for about an hour or so to cover off the time when I have to leave for work and when my husband gets home from work.

This has been great for our girls but not so good for our relationship. My husband and I have literally been reduced to cars passing each other on the highway. There are a few days each week that the only time we see each other is that passing second or two on the highway when we pass each other in traffic. I drive into Toronto searching for my husband on the other side of the highway. I am going eastbound and he is going westbound. And if our timing is right, then we pass each other, and wave. He in the fast lane, and me in the fast lane. Nothing like a marriage in the fast lane.

To be honest it can take it's toll. We are starting to both realize that. We go for days without actually seeing each other or having a conversation in person. Ah, the things we do for our families.


  1. It's amazing what we will do for our families.

    I do think it's great that you are trying to find those small moments to connect with him...even if it is a small wave.

  2. I just stumbled upon your blog and thought I'd stop and say hi. Marriage is one of life's most rewarding challenges! :o)

  3. thanks Wendy... and Amanda glad you stopped by.


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